Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today we made some progress after some very unproductive weeks. This morning someone came to our house to take blood and urine for our new life insurance policies. Then, after not eating for 12 hours (!) we went to brunch. Cash got to play in a fountain afterwards because he was such a good boy. Then we went and got Cash's seasonal flu shot. We still need to find the boys H1N1 shots but this is a step in the right direction. Then we went to Sam's Club for the weekly milk supply. We got Cash another mattress for his trundle too. Cash came home and took a nap and mommy did laundry - lots of laundry. I even got out the new baby clothes and some other baby stuff and washed it! we got a couple supplies we'll need for when the baby comes like sensitive wipes and i've started organizing the drawers in the nursery. I've started moving Cash's clothes out of the nursery room and into the "big-brother" bedroom. I also just made a chicken pot pie and the boys are watching "Up". We will all be tired tonight!
My list keeps growing but at least i've started scratching things off too.


Grammy said...

sounds like great progress is being made which is a great accomplishment...good work.

Grammy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grammy said...

well i posted the same comment twice, so i removed one and now it looks like i had second thoughts about something i wrote which isnt the case!