Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cash 2 year check up

Cash had a good check up. He threw a downright fit when they tried to weigh and measure him. He is 31 lbs 1 oz. His weight, height and head all measure at about the 75th percentile. He is growing well and there are no real concerns. he got one little shot and we got out of there. He doesn't have to go back until he is 3 years old.
Dr. Goebel gave me a couple of things to help Cash's eczema - we'll see if they work. Dr. Glasser came in and chatted for a few minutes and met Cooper - she remarked how much he and Cash look alike and then said that he looks like he's growing well.
Cooper also got a little shot. they both handled it well.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

good work everyone! Dr. Glasser needed to check out your guys care! don't imagine she actually remembers Cash as a baby but it is uncanny how much they look alike even now.