Cooper had his 4 week check up today.
weight: 10lb 5oz (>50%)
height: 22in (>50%)
head: 37cm (<25%)
He's doing well. I mentioned to the doctor that he seems very fussy and has a really hard time passing gas and pooping. And also that he seems to have a lot of congestion. She had a couple of theories and suggestions.
First she said that she could tell Cooper has a lot of gas because of the way his belly was all bloated and then when she listened to it she heard lots of gurgling. She said we can give him Mylicon drops as often as necessary - they can't hurt. She also said that we could give him a little (half ounce) apple juice mixed with a little (half ounce) of water to see if we can kick his bowls into gear. She said that she thinks he is gassy because he is congested and breathes through his mouth and takes in a lot of air.
She looked in his nose and saw a LOT of mucous. This mucous was making him feel pretty lousy i think and he's even vomited big blobs of mucous a couple times. She showed me how to use saline spray and suction out his nostrils properly. Keeping his nostrils cleaned out will help him sleep better and hopefully keep him from taking in so much air.
Overall he is doing well. We'll go back in a month or so for our first round of vaccinations. Cash's turn is tomorrow for his 2 year check up!
i could use a saline spray and nostril suction myself.
there's also gripe water, whole foods sells it. I've heard it works better than Mylicon
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