Friday, March 5, 2010

Beautiful - like a girl

Today our neighbor Jimmy came over to tell me something (i'll get to that later). Jimmy is the neighbor who Cash idolizes from a safe distance. Although last weekend Cash did spend a good amount of time running in and out of Jimmy's garage and sitting on his 4 wheeler so maybe he's getting over his shyness. Jimmy's truck and motorcycle is the topic of many conversations with young Cash. Jimmy has only seen Cooper from a distance or while he's been sleeping in the carseat but today I was holding him while we talked at the door. Jimmy really likes little boys - he has a grown son and always tells me stories of when his son was little and how much he really enjoyed being a father to a son. Anyway, Jimmy was blown away with how "beautiful" Cooper is. He kept remarking how pretty he is and how good looking he is. He said, "Wow, he's beautiful, like a girl. That's just great!" I don't get offended when people say that. In fact, Jimmy isn't the first to say it - just last night my friend Dana told me that Cooper could be a girl he is so gorgeous! What i find totally interesting is that people said the same thing about Cash when he was a baby. I remember distinctly the first person to say that about Cash was a woman in my office. I remember being taken aback when I first heard it but then after multiple people said the same thing I thought, well, he must really be pretty!

On a different note, the reason Jimmy came over was to show me the most awful looking creature that he captured in his garage. it is some terrible hybrid between a centipede and a scorpion. He worries about us with the boys so he wants to make sure that if we see this nasty thing we will stay away!!


elizabeth said...

people said that about Wiley, too, because of his curls, and archer gets called a girl, but i can't see it in him as much.
did you take a photo of the centicorpion?

Grammy said...

glad that Cash is warming to Jimmy ... Jimmy has lots of cool big toys that Cash likes and he's a good guy. Chandler has his people to take care of "things" like that critter so i'm sure you won't have any. and cooper is beautiful so that's all that matters.