Thursday, March 25, 2010

Every morning when Cash gets up he knocks on his door to let us know he is ready to get up. Most mornings he says, "knock knock, Cash Robert Martin here."
This morning Chandler picked out his clothes and was carrying them downstairs when Cash said, "I no like those clothes" and he took them out of Chandler's hands and threw them up on the counter. He really likes his construction pajamas and would wear them all the time if we let him. 
He had 2 very nice baby sitters the other night while Chandler and I went and met with our tax preparer. He referred to them as the blue girl and the orange girl (hmmm?) We so rarely have a babysitter I was nervous how he would do but he warmed up rather quickly and was very entertaining. The blue girl even remarked that "Cash never stops talking!"
The blue girl is a teacher and literacy specialist so it was nice to hear that she thinks Cash is smart and has a long attention span. And that he is on the second stage of writing (something having to do with drawing larger circles). 
Sylvia also recently told me that Cash has the best manners than anyone else at daycare! that's my boy!!
He absolutely LOVES Elmo bikes right now - he will watch the whole thing over and over and gets so excited to see the unicycle. He talks about the whole show and asks and answers questions with Elmo. 
Cash blows me away when he speaks in complete sentences. Like right now, he is eating his breakfast and Slider is begging. He said, "go away Chachi, this is my breakfast." And when you ask him a question he will repeat the question before he answers.  He is so cool! 


Roseann McFadden Clavelli said...

Very smart little boy. I like the "knock, knock" part! Cute.

Celia Glass said...

ok i've been so confused about this whole Slider/Chachi thing. Is it the same dog? can someone explain :(

Celia Glass said...

oh and Cash and Cooper are awesome too :)

Grammy said...

celia, basically sylvia's dog is chachi so cash heard that a lot at daycare, then when cash started talking he was calling his own dog chachi!