Monday, March 8, 2010

boys vs. girls

Cash is really good at recognizing a boy vs. a girl - for example, he will say mommy is a girl and daddy is a boy. Also, he can recognize the difference between a girl (a young female) and a lady (an older female) and the same for boy or man. Sometimes if the person is questionable he will get it wrong but you'd forgive him if you saw the kind of people i am talking about. My favorite is when he calls people "guys". Like, "Whatcha doin' guys?" or "what's that guy doing?"

However, he doesn't always sort things out into neat little male/female buckets. Like this morning when Chandler was going to take a shower and walked into the bathroom with his boxers on. Cash yelled, "Daddy, take off your panties." It was pretty hysterical.

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