Tuesday, March 9, 2010

how do i explain...

Cash is having a lot of new experience lately and sometimes they are a little tricky to explain. Like tonight, we put Cash to bed happily and easily and about an hour later he wakes up crying and screaming, "owwwww" "hurrrrt". I ran upstairs and Cash, who was really still asleep, was holding a limp arm up saying, "owww." I am assuming his hand fell asleep because he way laying on it and now he has pins and needles. I asked him if it tingled but who knows if Cash understands what 'tingling' feels like. He said yes and then laid back down and fell back to sleep. Obviously he's moved on but it leaves me thinking...how do you explain these sorts of changes. I somewhat remember having pins and needles when I was small but don't remember any details about it so i guess i survived. I remember having growing pains a lot so i'm on the look out for that with Cash but again, don't know how i'll explain it to him without freaking him out - i'll probably start with something about him getting taller and see where it takes us.

Most importantly I want him to know that his mommy and daddy are here to protect him and even though these things might be scary and hurt we wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. That seemed to get him through his bad dreams so hopefully it will calm his fears about other things as well.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

as a social worker this is what I do and recommend to the parents I work with: answer the question and only the question, be honest and factual, don't promise things you can't really guarantee (like that nothing will ever happen to him). Good Luck. There are things I don't even know how to explain to Wiley that he asks about.