Wednesday, March 17, 2010

tour d' trucks

Taking Cash to school each morning is like a lesson in trucks. My boy LOVES trucks - well all things with wheels actually. He can point out a moving vehichle, by its proper name at 100 yards. He is a bit of a savant that way. On any given morning he will point out the following:
cement truck
big truck
little tractor (a gator or something like it)
gas truck
dump truck
choo choo train
fire engine
steam roller

this morning we spent a good 15 minutes watching some workers pour the cement foundation to a house. it was completely facinating to Cash.


Emily Dondero said...

i can teach Cash all the trucks and tankers he wants. High pressure, corrosive tankers, cyrogenics, bulk hoppers, intermodals...

Grammy said...

there's a huge crane down the road that i would love to show him. it's huge!