Sunday, March 28, 2010

oh geez

Looking back on today i'm not sure if i should turn myself into CPS or be proud i'm still here. A lesser mother would have headed for the hills hours ago! Today was just one of those days where you feel a challenge at every turn.

We woke up to Cooper skin on fire once again. His belly, face and arms were covered in a rash, welts, blisters, scabs. He just has this skin that can't handle much change. The last time i gave him a bath and put lotion on him (Aveeno calming/sensitive) he broke out like this too but i didn't think it was that lotion because it is made for sensitive baby skin. He seemed rather uncomfortable all day and i'm actually pretty concerned about his skin - especially the scabby parts on his arm and back. I've decided not to bathe him anymore and wont be using a lick of soap or body wash and i'm not sure if i will even put lotion on him anymore but just in case i bought some very expensive stuff from Whole Foods and some pure jojoba oil that might work. Still probably the best thing for him is to just let his natural boday oils take over.

I decided in the morning that it would be a dummy-free day for Cash - which is a good idea and i stand behind it. and actually we did really well. in the morning i told Cash that we weren't going to be able to have his dummy all day and he could have it when he takes a nap and goes to bed but nothing else. So we headed out and only twice did he ask to have it all day! i was very proud of him. although this came with a very strange side effect - Cash was sucking his finger and thumb today which is something that he has NEVER done. in order to keep him from wanting his dummy we kept him very busy and headed off to the Bonnie Springs petting zoo.

At the petting zoo Cash was interested but scared at the same time. He kept telling me that it was too scary to touch the animals. We had a nice time but Cash fell down and scraped his knee when Chandler was trying to take a picture of me infront of the buffalo. we weren't paying attention.

We went to lunch after which was uneventful. Cash fell asleep in the car on the way home and when we got home he took a long nap. But during that time we had to try to keep Cooper calm and I had a bunch of things to do. So i headed off to run errands. We are planning to have the Martins Sr. and their friends over for Easter so i had to go and get some things so we'd be prepared - seeing as how next week I go back to work and wont have time to get out during the week. So i was off to Target, World Market and the grocery store. I got some more lotion for Cooper and some Easter treats for Cash's friends at daycare.

When I got home Cash and Chandler took off to Home Depot but when they got home things went down hill quickly. Cash was playing outside and got wet in the sprinklers so he took his shorts off, then he said that his diaper was wet and he took it off too. Since i didn't want him standing naked in the middle of the street i opened the back of the car to do a diaper change in the back-back but it was full of stuff so i pushed the automatic close button and walked away. At that moment Cash put his hand in the back and the door closed on his little fingers. Oh my the screaming was so sad. the car has a sensor but his hand was too little to stop and reverse the door. Chandler grabbed Cooper from where he was sitting and we all ran inside for some ice. did i mention that when i was opening the back to get Cash's fingers out i bonked him in the head? Chandler put Cooper in his carseat which was on the chair. This seemed like a good place to put him since Cooper can practically stand up and walk now; he has been rolling and pushing off with his feet and cannot be trusted on any elevated or uneven surface. So we are putting ice on Cash and get distracted with him for a few minutes when i look over and see Cooper squirming all the way up and over his carseat and is practically dangling off the side of the chair - oh lord call the cops now! he was seconds from rolling out.

3 loads of laundry (4 if you count an extra rinse cycle for the baby clothes) later, half a workout, dinner and picking up after the boys i am not feeling so great about today but we got through it.


Emily Dondero said...

the boys won't even remember this tomorrow.

Grammy said...

- leave cooper naked as much as possible
- have a nice honey baked easter ham for your visitors
- cash will appreciate his dummy when he can have it and you won't have panics if you cant find it!
- i'm sure you all had your fingers smushed in cars and don't remember (but i do!)
- DSS/CPS have worse cases than this to handle so carry on